Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Exam Term's "Quiet Period"

At Cambridge, "Exam Term" = all else comes to a screeching halt.

The extracurricular activities that took up the already-tiny time commitment during the regular school year? No more meetings, and don't worry if you don't make any progress or can't make a rehearsal. It's all excused because of exams.

Noise? Talking loudly? Playing music in your room?

It's nice in a way, to see how enforced from "the top down" (in terms of Quiet Term being enforced by administration, even) this whole "focus on exams and nothing else" attitude is, but I mean, come on guys, it's a bit over the top, no? I guess it's just coming from a place where you wouldn't ever miss a rehearsal just because you have an exam the next morning, or skip a meeting just because you have an entire p-set (examples paper) to do that night. Those are just the academic-work-time-crunches/sacrifices that you are aware of/make when you commit to the activity/group. And after years of doing it, you get used to all the mad-packing-in-of-work-into-tiny-time-frames. And students are expected to work out solutions to issues like noise, study inconveniences, etc. amongst themselves without the admin stepping in, I guess.

Anyway, this was extremely amusing. It's really quite awesome of the Dean/porters to enforce such a strict environment for the sake of people taking exams, but I feel like I'm in a boarding school where the faculty have to step in and make everyone hush up so that people can study ..

Email from King's College Dean to all students:

Dear All
I am writing to remind you of the College regulations for the 'Quiet Period'. These will come into force on Friday 14 May (when Easter Term divides) and remain in place until Friday 11 June (when Easter Term ends).
Parties, student events and outside receptions are not permitted during this period. Musical instruments may only be played in student rooms between 1.30 pm and 5.30 pm each day. Music students who are offering a performance paper will have priority booking for music practice rooms.
Many students are already taking, and if not, preparing for, exams. A great deal rests on people's performance in these, and they have a right to an absolute minimum of disturbance. I ask you all to make a special effort to be considerate for others' need for peace and quiet.
Remember that activities you may engage in to help you through stressful periods (playing loud music, singing, drinking, sharing anxieties with friends in corridors late at night etc) may not be at all relaxing for others in the vicinity.
I take a particularly serious view of all forms of disturbance during exam term, especially after 11 pm, and anyone reported to me for this offence can expect correspondingly serious consequences.
Please also note the following:
- Ball games and playing frisbee are permitted only on the field between Old Garden Hostel and West Road. They are forbidden anywhere else in the College, including Bodley's Court and the Fellows' Garden. Studded footwear must not be worn when playing on the Garden Hostel field, and noise must be kept to a minimum.
- Barbeques must not be used anywhere in College grounds, including hostels, without the express permission of the Bursar acting for the Council (and this is rarely granted).
- Advice about bookings for garden parties in the Fellows' Garden, which are permitted only after the end of term and only for personal bookings, not University societies etc, can be obtained from the Domus PA, Jennie Franks (, tel. 31427).
I hope all goes well in your exams if you are taking them this term. If your life is made difficult by noise or other disturbance, and the matter cannot be amicably resolved, please inform the Porters (tel. 31656) and/or me (tel. 31237) without delay.
With best wishes,
John Barber
Lay Dean

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